Welcome to my blog! This blog was created to capture my journey from my career as a healthcare professional through my efforts to obtain an Elementary Education degree.
Well It's been so very long since I've visited bloggy land... so I have many many updates.
First of all... I am no longer working night shift at the hospital. I am now on "normal people" hours and working in a Neurosurgery clinic. More money, better hours, and much more time to spend time with my sweet husband and cute fur baby Jordie, to do school work, and most importantly blog!
Secondly... My husband and I recently moved and we are absolutely loving our new home! We are closer to both his family and mine. We have much more space here and.... it is sooooo QUIET! Loving it!
So that's enough about me. How is everyone else? I am so excited to be jumping back in and continuing to learn the trick of the trade from the BEST! What better way to do it then attend my very first blog meet up. I am so excited to be meeting some of my favorite bloggers!
If you live in the area or don't and just want to make the trip... come on down!! We'd love to have you! Just shoot Jennifer over at First Grade Blue Skies an email at laughinbrunette@hotmail.com and join the par-tay!
I've started a new weight loss blog to capture my journey down the path to a newer, healthier life! I hope that you will choose to follow my new blog and encourage me with my weight loss just as much as you all have with my education/career transition. I will still be blogging here but I just thought that I should keep the two separate.
Linking up with Farley for her monthly, Currently linky.
listening: I called to check on my dad this morning because he has been sick. He lives in California (and Im in Alabama) so telephone and Skype are our only options of communication between visits. Poor daddy... hoping he feels better soon. :(
loving: So the new doctor's office that I've recently started working for is A-mazing! Half of the staff worked the Wed, Thurs, & Fri after Christmas... and half will work today, tomorrow, and Friday. In turn, meaning you get a week and some days off with your family! Yippeee! Needless to say this is my week! Yay for 9 days off!
thinking: My mom, grandmother, aunt, and cousins are coming into town tomorrow and we're all going on a girls shopping trip. I, however, have been a lazy bum these past few days and need to do some serious cleaning before they arrive. Yay for company and a day of shopping... Boo for cleaning :(
wanting: Since it is a warm 39 degrees at my house right now... I'd rather be on a beach, toasting in the sun, with a drink in my hand.
needing: I have made up my mind that I don't like the reflection that I see in the mirror anymore and Im going to finally do something about it. I am a planner... so I have to come up with a workout/ diet plan so that I can be organized enough to stick to it.
OLW: My OLW is CHANGE simply because there is about to be a lot of changes in this girl in the months to come! I'll keep you updated! :)
This is my first time blogging in a while. I hope to start blogging on a more consistent basis now though. Lots of updates for all of my "blogosphere" friends... we recently moved into a new house.... and I got a new job. A day shift, no weekends or holidays, making more money job! WHOOP WHOOP! Also, I am closer to the college that I am attending. GO me! Only downside with this fantastic job is that I am not able to substitute teach as often, but I am able to take more classes so that gets me closer to my goal of having my own classroom one day... bittersweet.. nevertheless.
So, I have embarked on a new journey or two this year. First one is a weight loss journey. I say this every year but I am VERY serious about it this year. I have got to make a life change, and do it for myself and for no one else. Also, to get closer to God this year. I need to read and study more on my own, and attend church on a more regular basis.
Happy 2013 everyone!! May this be YOUR year to become a better you!
So it has been a little while FOREVER! since I have blogged last and I am sitting in an 11th grade science class in which I am subbing for and thought... well the kids are quiet doing their "busy work" and I am just sitting here twiddling my thumbs so what better time to blog than now? I first of all want to thank everyone for entering my very first ever linky fashion party. It was such a blast (and insightful) to see the different wardrobe styles of all of my fellow teaching friends. To update everyone on where I've been (since it hasn't been in blogland)... I have been so busy working full time at the hospital, going to school full time, and subbing part time. I am now subbing for 4 school systems and I am really excited about the last one that I just picked up... it's the school system that I went to school at and graduated from. It's the school that most of my younger cousins attend, and its the school that some of my cousin's kids attend! I absolutely love being at this school because most of the faculty that are there taught me also. I LOVE being on this side of things and being able to catch up with all of them.
I have an interview tomorrow for a 5th school system in my area. I really don't know how I am gonna find the time for every school but I am having so much fun being able to keep my options open and sub in the areas that I prefer. So what has everyone else been up to?? I need updates blogging friends! You have definitely been missed!
One thing that I've been dying to get is a big tote bag that I can use for different things. Something that would be big enough for a carry-on for a weekend flight, a random day trip to Atlanta that my hubby and I take often, and most importantly... to take to my sub jobs with me.
Enter Vera Bradley (she ALWAYS comes through)... I ordered this baby...
Get Carried Away Tote in Viva la Vera
I can't wait until she.. ummm.. it comes in. I love it already!
Also... don't forget I'm hosting my very first linky party!!! Share your teacher style with everyone in my linky entitled "A Teacher's Style". Can't wait to see all of the different styles!!
Hey guys!! Since I've recently been offered 3.. (yippe!!!) substitute teaching positions... I've been thinking... now what do I need to wear? Of course I know I have tons of business casual clothes. And I think I have enough teacher friends and family to know what is appropriate or not for a teacher. But hey, I've also been in the medical field for the past five years wearing scrubs daily. Do you think that I would give up an opportunity to go shopping?? Let me give you a hint... uh NO!!! Haha.
I've been searching online for some new trouser pants and dressy shirts that are season-less (is that a word?) and of course some cute dresses and skirts. And then I thought... (lightbulb) Why not just go to the experts?? And what better way to do it than a Linky Party?
I've been brainstorming on this idea for awhile now and since I'm fairly new to the blogging world... I was a little intimidated ok a LOT intimidated. I have seriously gone back and forth, back and forth about it and this morning I thought... "What is the worst that could happen?" Whatever... I can do this! So without further ado... here it is....
Here are the guidelines...
1. Tell me your favorite store(s) that you like to get your "teacher's fashion".
2. What are some of your favorite accessories?
3. What type of shoes do you teach in? (i.e. heels, flats, wedges, etc.)
4. Do you have a "go-to" item in your closet? (i.e. sweater you wear weekly, shoes you wear daily, etc.)
5. Have you ever had a fashion "uh-oh" at school? (i.e. heel broke, button popped off of blouse)
Please feel free to post any cute items, sales, outfits that you have grabbed for this upcoming school year!
1. My favorite stores are:
2. I have always LOVED accessories.. purses being my favorite. But right now my 2 favorites would be my Coach purse and Ralph Lauren sunglasses that my sweet hubby (love that man) bought for me.
This is it exactly... but VERY close
3. Since I technically haven't taught yet... I guess I can't really say for sure. I, however, have always been a lover of HEELS!! Like tall heels...
Aren't these gorgeous?? But I know that in reality I will be trading these in for something like this...
or better yet... something like these...
and I am okay with that (I'm sure my feet with thank me later)!! haha
4. My go-to item in my closet is my "Boyfriend" blazer that I purchased from Charlotte Russe.
Looks like these... but its just plain black
5. I haven't had any fashion uh-oh's as a teacher yet... but I remember my senior year of high school we had a bomb threat at our school and they made us evacuate to the football field for hours... in the HOT sun. Remember this is ALABAMA guys... it was HOT!! We were out there for at least 3 hours. I had on my favorite pink flip flops... yeah, well the ol' faithful flip flops let me down that day... because one of them broke!! The strap popped out of the side so I had to stand out there or sit with a broken flip flop... not to mention walk all the way back to the school once we were able to go back in. Tragedy as a teenager in high school.
It's tax free weekend here in Alabama starting tomorrow so I am hoping to find time to go and snatch up some stylish "teacher" fashion!!